Urbana Ills. 12 Aug 1861
O.M. Hatch Esq
Dear Sir
Mr. Charles Linkham has raised a company in this county, which has been accepted and his friends desire that he be appointed one of the field officers of the regiment to which his company may be attached
I take great pleasure in recommending Mr. L. for the position to which he aspires and as a gentleman of high standing, of correct habits, well connected socially and politically, of liberal arguments and of a regular military education, having gone thro a three years course of study at West Point.
His appointment would be highly acceptable to his numerous friends in this section and would be, no doubt, of great advantage to the public service.
Will you oblige me by seeing Yates on the subject and, if you are uncommitted, urge the claims of Mr. L.
This will be handed to you by my friends M.D. Coffers Esq of this county, and the father-in-law of Mr L. as whose visit to your city is connected with Mr L's application.
Truly &c O.L. Davis
Springfield Aug 14. 1861
Governor Yates
Dr Sir.
I do not know Mr Linkham but there is no better man than Judge Oliver L. Davis, the writer of the annexed letter, and he is entitled to consideration.
Yours Truly, O.M. Hatch, Sec State.
Recommendation Chas Linkham