Camp 86" Regt Ills, Vol. Infty. near Atlanta
Georgia July 28" 1864
Hon Rich Yates
Dear Sir
Your kind letter of the 12" July came to hand in due time and I am sincerely thankful to you for the compliment a compliment in my opinion undeserved, but wich is highly respected by me and the Letter & Photograph shal be preserved.
My sentiments remain unchanged
The 86" has seen frightfull times since that letter was written and sustained heavy loss but thank God I am still alive and well we Charged the Rebble works near Kenasaw Mountain on the 27" June and were unsucsessful and the Regt lost over one hundred our Company lost three (3) killed and (15) fifteen wounded
We are now camped two and one half mile Northwest of Atlanta and if the Traitors do not leave Atlanta in a few days they will not all get a chance to leave a few days more will give us Atlanta
I remain with much respect your
Obedient Servant
John Earnest
Segt. Co. I, 86", Ills
Earnest John
Atlanta Georgia
July 28 1864.
Has received Governors letter thanks him for Compliment to 86th &c.