Vandalia, Illinois Aug 15, 64
To the Hon. Richard Yates Governor of the State of Illinois
Dear Sir --
We received 168 guns and accoutrements on Friday the 12th from Lieut. Col Nale of the 41st Illinois, with which two organized companies have been armed. Two other good, efficient well organized companies, styled the "Sharon Guards" Capt. Russell and the "Otego Guards, Capt. Martin desire arms furnished them for Home protection.
With the arms they already have of their own, 70 would probably do for both companies. This is probably the most scourged county in the state by Guerillas robbers & bushwhackers, and there is scarcely a day that we dont hear of men being robbed or shot. On yesterday morning a Union man was shot from the brush while going to his barn to feed his horses.
The company above named styled the "Sharon Guards" reside near the Hurricane Creek where Clingmans men live and rendezvous and are in imminent danger
nightly of being robbed, and in their vicinity two houses have been burned
In view of the reign of terror in this section we deem it a matter of justice to arm the before mentioned companies and if our request can be filled please inform us when and how to proceed to obtain the arms required
It may be proper to state in this connection that union men both in this town and country are standing guard nightly.
Very Respectfully Yours.
N. M. McCurdy M.D.
W. Remam
R Blackwell
McCurdy et al
Vandalia Ill Aug 15 64
Has received arms. Two other companies are organized and want 70 stand of arms. Good Companies. Men stand Guard nightly.
Abstract & return