With W.C. Flagg letter 8/2/64
With H.G. McPike letter 8/20/64
J.W. & H. Schweppe Dealers in Clothing, Hats, Caps & Gents Furnishing Goods
Third Street, Alton, Ill.
Alton, Aug. 20 1864.
Gov. R. Yates
Sir On the arrival of Mess McPike & Smith from a meeting with you a consultation of citizens was had this morning. You know our action heretofore, and our wishes, and we submit the whole matter to you, believing that you can control it. And we will state that the undersigned have been again appointed a special Committee, by Citizens after such consultation to urge you to go forward to St. Louis at once and relieve us from the threatened danger. You can do it and we shall remain forever under personal obligation for your promise to personally interceed for us in this trying hour.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servts
Cyrus Edwards
H.G. McPike
We repeat that it was the unanimous expression of a large meting of our loyal citizens that the whole matter should be confided to your management and discretion.
McPike H G
Edwards Cyrus
Alton Aug. 20/1864
At a meeting of loyal citizens they were apptd a committee to request you to go to St Louis & take the matter of the Alton Gaurds into consideration
McPike H. G.
Alton Aug 24th 1864
He says that he Democrats are trying to get the Alton Regiment into their own hands. And says that they (The Union men) want the command. If nothing else Rogers is working against them. Also Dr. English