Virginia Nov. 1 - 64
Hon. Richard Yates
Dear Sir, allow me to ask a favor of you in behalf of the people of Cass Co and humanity throughout the World - It is that you use your influence in geting furloughs for our Union Drafted Soldiers at Camp Buttler - Almost the last man from the County that answered the notice, or went as substitute were true Union men, the Cops ether runing away or hireing substitutes that were Union or non voters. From this precinct all that that have answered or gone as substitutes are such as are with us.
They can be vouched for by Union men - Their names are
Chas Boyd - Andrew Gill - Henry Gill
H.J.C. Arthur - Collumbus Bridgman & substitues of John Japles & William Ater - Most all of which are Union Leaguers. they will likely know all
the ballance of the Union voters from Cass - Now if you can use your influence for us here and the great cause in general it will be remembered with gratitude - I have no selfish motives as I am runing for no office but ask for the sake of suffering humanity generaly & Cass Co particularly,
Yours in haste
S. S. Allard for Union men throughout the County
Allord S. S.
Virginia Nov 1st 64
Wants Govr to use his influence to get furloughs for the Union Drafted men of that county at time of election
Ansd Nov 3 64