with J. G. Cormick letter 11/28/64
with Kohn & Warner " 11/21/64
with S. P. Tufts " 11/18/64
with John Schroeter " 11/21/64
with J. G. Cormick " 11/21/64
Centralia Ills.
Nov 19th 1864
Capt. J. G. Cormack
In answer to your request I have this to say that on the 15th inst. while the 62nd Reg were stopping here some 8 or 10 of the men broke into some six houses that I saw and took various things and threatened the lives of some Chaced one man some two squares & broke open the door of the Merritt House where he took refuge. I called the attention of the officer of the day to it But he took no notice of it further than to yell out at the one who was breaking into the
house of Franklin & Co. and the soldier kept on and took out a comfort & went off. In about half an hour after this a guard was sent out and the disturbance was quieted. I am happy to state that the mischief was done by recruits
The old soldiers condemned the whole thing The fault I think was in the officers Very Respect
E. W. Welden