[With T.F. Baldwin letter 11/25/64.]
Real Estate Agent,
No. 104 Randolph Street,
P. S.--Special attention given to the Purchase of Real Estate for all who may wish to make investments.
Chicago, ______________1864.
This Circular will give you a description of a part of the Houses, Lots and Land placed in my hands for sale as agent.
One large 5-Story Brick Store, white marble front, situated in a very fine business part of the city opposite the Court House, and fronting on Randolph street, at the low price of $20,000 cash.
One 5-Story Brick Store, white marble front, on Lake street, in a very fine business part of the city. Price $30,000 cash, or $10,000 cash and one and two years' time, with interest, on all deferred payments. This store is now under rent of $2,800 per year.
Eleven good well-built Brick Stores, 115 feet on Lake and 160 feet on Canal streets. These stores are to be sold at the low price of $60,000 cash, or, if preferred, $30,000 cash and $30,000 in one year, with interest. These stores rent for $7,000 per year.
One good Building Lot, on Washington, near Market street, 20 by 180 feet, for $5,000 cash, or on time to suit the purchaser.
Twenty-six fine Building Lots, fronting on Peoria and Green streets, very finely located for private residences, near Dr. Egan's Garden and Halstead street railroad.
Twenty-five Lots in Block 21, Section 7, fronting on Fourth and Indiana streets, low for cash.
One fine House and Lot, near Michigan avenue, lot 145 by 160 feet deep. Price $27,000--part cash and good time given on deferred payments, with interest.
One House and Two Lots, three blocks west of Union Park, near Madison street railroad. Part cash, and one and two years' time, with interest, for the balance.
A Farm of 160 Acres, all under fence, 19 miles south of Chicago, at $33 per acre. 80 acres in grass, 40 under plow, and 40 in fine young timber land, with a house and barn, and a fine stream of water, with 12 feet fall, running through the centre.
320 Acres and 80 Acres of very fine Land, three and five miles from city limits. All this land to be sold without dividing it, for cash. This is a great bargain, and I call special attention to it.
304 Acres of the best Land in Cook county, with a soil of black loam 20 inches deep; divided into 20 acre blocks. Some three miles of streets have been well graded, making good solid roads to travel on. This land is five miles west of the city limits and one mile east of Lyon's depot--all fronting on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad and on the Southwestern Plank road, near the Desplaines river. It is good for vegetable gardens or private country residences. For terms of sale and price, call at my office.