The State of Illinois
To Elias S. Terry Dr
To services as Sanitary Agent assiting the sick & wounded Ills soldiers in the Hospitals at Louisville, Jeffersonville, New Albany and Nashville from the 15 June to 15 July 1864 _ 30 dys_ 150.00
To railroad fare from Danville to New Albany 9.05
" Hotel bill at Mitchell .75
" Omnibus fare to Louisville 60
" Hotel bill at Lafayette 2.00
- " " " Louisville 8.00
" Cash pd for bromine for soldiers 2.00
" Bill at Cave City .75
" " at Nashville (Hotel) 6.00
" " " Do private Boardr 8.00
" " " Cave City 75
" Railroad fare from Louisville to Danville 9.00
Bill at Lafayette 2.00
Sundry Omnibus bills at Louisville and Nashville ([illegible]/ 2.00
" Bill at Indianapolis .75 46.65
$ 196.65
- Was at Louisville two weeks, but made no other Hotel bill at that place than the above _ having stopped with a friend.
Acct. of Hon E S Terry
Danville Dec. 30 /64
As Sanitary Agent