December 31 1864
Easte Capitial hil Baracks
Washington, DC.
To your Exelancey, I have The honer of Asking When My Time will Expire I inlisted the 12 of August 62 under thate call for Men to fill upe Old Rigments and was to bee mustered oute ate the expration of the time of the time of the Rigments which time Does Expire the 10th of March nex Bute was swore in for 3 years Or soner Discharged as the offisers sed they Could note muster in onley, thate way, and Beeing transefird in the firste Batalion it wants Evidanse how we Inlisted I inlisted in the 12 Cavalry
Company, A under Captin P G Fisher Beeing in Comand and Thare is several here thate Did inliste in the same way, and never Gote Eny County Bounty, for the Reason of note having To surve qite 3 years and all of the Masichusetts troops are Being mustered oute Ate the Expration of thar Rigments time
I have had 5 Brothers all thate I had and one Lefte he is with sherman in the 48 Rigmente and having A family who Lives in Winebago Co I feel ancious to Rejoin them
My Rigmente is the. G. Co. "G. [illegible]
I Remain your Obidante survante
Norman S. Ward.
To your Exelancy Comanding the state of Ill Richard Yates Esq
Yours Truly
Ward Norman S
East Cap'l Hill Barracks
Washington Dec 31/64
Wants to be discharged with Regt - enlisted for unexpired term
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