Bath Sept 2th 1861
Hon R Yates
Dear Sir
it is imposible for me to get a Company in this County as thare has bin so many gon out of the County now I have done the Best I could having cost me about $15.00 I could now an than find some that whare willing to go but the most of them having friends in Capt Moors & Capt Bittes Company thay would prefer going with them 6 or 8 whent Last week if there is no place that you can see for me a mite as well give it up and stay at home as to spend aney more money in Traverling about have you had aney word from Washington yet in my favour Qurter Master I Mc Ruggles is at home I due not see what would
hinder me in filling the same situatin in an Infentry Regement as I supose that the most of them have to learn the duties of thare situatins, but I having givin up all hopes of geting aney thing in this War But if I was alone in the world I would not ask any thing but a chance of seeing what I could due in shooting the dam rebles that would be pay anuff for me
I remain Truly your Friend
Mosses Morris
Moses Morris -
for Quartermaster -