The Martyred Patriot Grand Funeral March


The Martyred Patriot Grand Funeral March


Lincoln, Abraham 1809-1865
Porter, James W.
Sheet music
Funeral music


"Performed on the reception of the remains of our beloved president Abraham Lincoln at Philad'a April 22 1865"


Porter, J. (James) W.


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum




J. Marsh










The Martyred Patriot GRAND FUNERAL MARCH Performed on the reception of the remains of Our Beloved President Abraham Lincoln at Philad'a April 22, 1865 by J.W. PORTER.

Philadelphia J. MARSH 1029 Chestnut St.

New York S.T. Gordon. Boston O. Ditson & Co.

Ent. according to Act of Congress A.D. 1865 by J. March in the Clerk's Office of the Dist Court for Eastn Dt. of Pa.



by James W. Porter.

Andante con dolore. Op. 473 March


Entd. acc. to Act of Con. A.D. 1865 by J. Marsh in the Clks. Office of the D'. Ct. of the Eastern D'. of Penn.


Legato con espress. Trio.




No. 1029 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Constantly publishing and receiving new music from all parts of the U.S.

Dealers, Schools and Professors supplied on reasonable terms.



Annie Worthington, Little, 30. A Song which we can heartily recommend.

Bonnie Blue Flat, 35. Wit Lithograph. Too well known to need comment.

Clara Day, Frank, 30. A ballad which bids fair to become one of the most popular of the times.

Dawn of Freedom, Ladd, 30. Song and Chorus, beautifully harmonized.

Drummer Boy of Vicksburg, DeGeer, 30. A very touching Song and Chorus.

Grant's the Man, Darling, 30. A sprightly melody, fast growing into favor as an admirable army song.

I can't love again, Hervey, 30. Graceful melody and excellent words.

Little Mac! you're the very Man, Foster, 35. Song and Chorus. Always greeted with unbounded applause.

Same with Lithograph Title, 50.

Romping Bessie, Porter, 30. A merry ballad, with a sweet flowing melody, which never fails to please.

Think not I'll forget Thee, Smith, 30. A charming melody, or more than ordinary merit, and has but to be heard to be admired.

This Harp is Mute, Meignen, 30. Very fine and classical melody.

The Soldier Boy, Everly, 30. To hear is to admire it.

"Oil on the Brain," Eastburn, 35. Song and Chorus. Immensely popular.

Home of my Youth, Winner, 30. Song. Easy and pretty.

On to Richmond, Frank, 30. Song and Chorus. Stirring melody.

Mother, how thy Love hath blest me, Ladd, 30. Song and Chorus. Beautiful and affecting.

Sleep, Sweetly Sleep, Ladd, 30. Song and Chorus. Plaintive melody and fine words.

"Stuck Ile," (Comic), Angelo, 35. Song and Chorus. Very amusing, and good melody.

Sherman's Bonnie Boys in Blue, Angelo, 35. Song and Chorus. Soul-stirring melody, and appropriate words.

Gal with her Hair cut Curly, Angelo, 35. Song and Chorus. Irresistibly funny.

Wild Gazelle, Beckel, 30. Ballad. One of the author's happiest efforts.

Fond thought of [Thee?], Rynder, 30. Song and Chorus. One of the finest songs issued, and destined to become very popular.

Don't Strike a Man when he's Down, Cunningham, 30. Song and Chorus, Music as fine as the sentiment of the song.


Bonnie Blue Schottische, Porter, 30. Introducing the popular melody of Bonnie Blue Flag. Simple yet pleasing.

Chirping Bird Schottische, Orth, 30. An entirely original and novel style. Suitable for ordinary performers.

Loyal Schottische, Abbey, 30. Brilliant and beautiful.

Schottische de Concert, Spencer, 35. A Grand Composition, one of which we never tire.

Token Schottische, Rynder, 35. A brilliant and effective Composition, with a beautiful cross-hand movement. Destined to become very popular.

Washing Day Schottische, Winner, 30. Introducing the celebrated Melody of Washing Day, and is one of the best Dancing Schottisches ever issued.


Eva Polka, Cockerille, 30. Very Sweet and Musical.

Little Family Polka, Mach, 35. With beautiful Lithograph. A Melody which is destined to become as familiar as household words.

Sleigh Bell Polka, Withers, 30. Cheerful and immensely popular.

Wicomisco Polka, Bassler, 30. Sparkling and very showy, without being difficult; in fact, a decided success.

Campaign Polka, Walsh, 35. Sparkling Melody.


American Fleet Waltz, Smith, 50. A piece which reflects great credit upon the author.

Black Hawk Waltz, Walsh, 35. A fine melody, in the popular style, and one which we at times find ourselves unconsciously humming. Not difficult.

Faust Waltz, DeBubna, 35. Finest arrangement published.

Matinee Waltz, Orth, 35. Neat and pretty Melody, not difficult.

Sanitary Waltz, Rynder, 30. Brilliant and easy, good for dancing purposes.


Butler Quickstep, Mack, 30. Suitable for ordinary performers.

Com. Winslow's Grand Victory March, DeBubna, 50. With beautiful Lithograph. Very showy and fascinating melody.

Flanker Quickstep, Withers, 35. Written in true Military style.

Grand March and Soldiers' Chorus, DeBubna, 35. From the Opera of Faust. A musical gem.

Johnny's Return March, Mack 30. Simple, pleasing, and designed for beginners.

Sensation March, Orth, 30. A general favorite.


Captain and his Whiskers, Mack, 50. Brilliant variations. The melody of the Captain being so familiar to the American public, needs no comment.

Faust--Complete, DeBubna, $1.00. Being a fine arrangement of the March, Gallop Waltz and Soldiers' Chorus, from this beautiful Opera, blended in a masterly manner.

Musical Volcano, DeBubna, 50. A Tremolo Etude, on a beautiful Air from Der Feen Reigen.

West Point Cotillions, Orth, 30. Danced at all principal Academies, and destined to become the most popular Sett out.

Young Fairy's Quadrilles, Orth, 35. Suitable for either Plain or Polka Quadrilles. Same for Violin, 20.

Faust Gallop, De Bubna, 35. Unsurpassed in brilliancy by any late issue and beautifully harmonized.

Summer Showers, Fantasie, Rynder, 50. An admirable composition, the pattering of the Rain Drops being distinctly heard throughout the Piece, yet so ingeniously introduced, as to form a part of the Melody.

Oil Fever Gallop, Detta, 30. Decidedly the best out.

Mack's. Comprehensible Piano Forte School, $2.00. This book is precisely what its title claims, being decidedly the most comprehensible work to learners ever issued.

MUSIC, MUSIC BOOKS, &c., from every catalogue in the United States, constantly on hand, and sent free of postage on receipt of price. Music neatly bound. Strings and trimmings best quality for violins, guitars, banjos, &c.

Sale agent for the Celebrated Boardman & Gray Piano Fortes, which are Unequalled in the World.



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29 cm

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