William K. Strong to Richard Yates



William K. Strong to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










St Louis Mo Jany 8th/63

Dear Governor

I have read with unalloyed pleasure and satisfaction your recent patriotic and eloquent message to the Legislature of Illinois. Oh that its spirit and sentiment animated the body to whom it is so earnestly and emphatically addressed Were our whole people in the loyal states imbued with the principles so clearly enunciated by you and which must in the end be universally adopted as the basis of successful subjugation of the slave holders rebellion now upon us. The work would soon be done. I was pained upon reading a day or two since the proceedings of what purported to be a Democratic meeting of members I believe of your Legislature. The utterances upon that occasion were poorly calculated to animate the brave troops from your state who have gone forth with their lives in their hands to maintain our national existence

it makes me sad to witness as I have done latterly the growing spirit of discontent in the north of all that one government is doing to save us from destruction, why cannot we at the North of all parties lay aside every shade and stripe of previous political distinction and unite as one man in the solemn earnest purpose of using every available instrumentality in putting down the treason which is at work in the overthrow of all that is dear to us as a nation, why do men thus forget their duty to their country. and minister in words if not in deeds to the disloyal element that is threatening our ruin - I must confess at times, my heart almost sinks within me. When I see these [givings?] out at the north, of discord & entire want of unity in the work that has been put upon us by wicked traitors in our midst. We must not however give way to despair - we must work on and toil on in preserving the heritage which our fathers have left us.

and I hope your glowing words will find their way to the gallant men of Illinois and of all other loyal states now in the field. it will be a comfort to their weary lot to know that their Governor thinks rightly & speaks rightly and has acted rightly, nobly & manfully for the state he honors & the country he loves ever since the rebellion broke out - I commenced for the purpose of thanking you for your noble message: your state will thank you: the loyal army in the field will thank you for it - and when we have finally recovered as we surely shall do, one broken nationality, history will inscribe upon its [undying?] pages as among the truest of men to duty & to country in the hour of its greatest peril the name of "Richard Yates" God bless you & believe me as ever

your faithful friend

Wm K Strong

Brig Gen

Re. Vol

To his His Ex Gov Yates




Brig. Genl. Strong

St. Louis Jany 8/63

Complimentary of Gov's message.

Complimenttary to Message



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