William Chartes to Richard Yates



William Chartes to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Quincy Ills 30 Jany 1863

Dear Gov Yates


I can assure you that I was much pained, when I saw that the semi-traitors frustrated your election as Senator to congress; though you have the satisfaction of knowing that your defeat is owing to the abscence of your noble, and patriotic army, on the voting day. I have been pained to see the doings of the so called 'constitution loving Legislature,' which the abscence of the Soldiers has placed in power.

History will place the State, and its Governor, in its proper light and to it, coupled with the satisfaction of a conscientious discharge of onerous duties, you will look for that solace and pleasure which the Legislature has denied you. I have comfortably settled here, and am now engaged in reducing the voluminous [data?] which I have collected and sending home to my family some of whom I hope will soon be here.

I do what I can to support

the Government and the principles of Liberty which all right thinking men hold so dear, and have been writing for the Whig & Republican. I forward you two papers which contain my articles All those signed "Adams" are mine. I forwarded the figures for the Ills Election, but wrote the Articles on New York Election also that of Penn and Ohio.

I should like to know what you think of them, could you find time for a line, and whether you think I should or should not continue to write - The articles are causing a stir here- I have also written in favor of Secy Chase's policy and on the [fallacious?] notions of his opponents as the "Premium [illegible]" and on "Greenbacks". I have marked the articles, and will thank you to keep confidence to all,on their authorship remaining with thanks for your courtesy and kindness to

Yours respectfully

William Chartes

Box 642

His Excllcy Gov Yates

Ans [File?] Private

William Chartes. Quincy. Ill.

Sorry the Gov was not made Senator. condoles with him on State of the Country. Has been writing for Whig & Republican. Sent Gov a paper which contains his address - all pieces signed Adams are written by Wm Chartes.

Private Answered File



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