T. C. Haskins to Richard Yates



T. C. Haskins to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Chester Randolph Cty Ills

Feby 23rd 1863

Hon Richard Yates

Govr of Ills My Dear Sir

I take the liberty of writing to you upon a subject that I think should Claim your attention in some degree I allude to the many desertions from our Army and the outspoken Treason in this part of the State The democrats held a political meeting in this place last Friday the 20th Inst and the speakers denounced the President as an outlaw the audiance cheered Jeff Davis and in fact the sympathy exprefsed for the rebellion would have satisfied Jeff Davis had the meeting been held in Richmond. as for desertion there are constant arrivals here I wish to call your particular attention to one a man by the name of Doct Marlow he arrived here a day or two before the meeting he went as 2nd surgeon in the 49th Regt Ills Vol under Col Wm R Morrisson but says he has been transferred to some Cavalry Regt and holds a Majors Commission he says he left Corrinth without leave and says he used all means in his power to induce others to do the same The man is capable of doing great mischief here not withstanding his sottish habits and we hope the proper authority disposes of him as he should be disposed of he will (after dissipating his present supply of funds) go back to the army and Draw pay for the time he is thus employing in treason to his country

You will excuse me for writing this to you when I tell you I have a Son in the army that has not had an opportunity to come home for near 20 months and I am like all other Loyal men in this community that have their sons there we dislike to see deserters come home without the fear of punishment and not only desert but act in concert with traitors and utter all manner of Slander against out troops I heard this Marlow alluded to telling a set of Traitors on friday last that he had seen our soldiers under orders from their Lincolnite officers rob poor union families of their Beds and provisions and what they could not take away they would destroy while others had to stand guard over wealthy Rebels property he told his audience that he had deserted or left without Leave rather than execute such orders

My Dear Sir I speak the sentiments of all the Loyal men in this community when I say if some prompt action to curb the Rebellious element of this part of the State is not taken in a short time we will have trouble here.

I was in Mifsouri when the outbreak occured there and I can see that the crisis is approaching rapidly. relying upon your acknowledged Patriotism and judgment I submit

Very Respectfully Yrs of

T. C. Haskins,

T C Haskins

Chester Randolph Co Ills

Febry 23rd 1863.

Says there are quite a number of deserters from the army at his place thinks the seccesion sympathizers are getting more bold. Says Doct. Marlow who is surgeon of the 49th Ill. is there preaching Copperheadism acknowleges that he left without leave and tried to get others to do the same.




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