A. C. Wiley to Richard Yates



A. C. Wiley to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Springfield Ill Jan'y 13th 1865

Dear Gov'r

I have been waiting here since

Wednesday to see you. You may not recollect

me. I was introduced to you by Hon William

Kellogg at Washington two years ago

and in company with yourself the Judge

Marshall [Lamon?] and Hon [O.?] M. Hatch

we went up to [Grovers?] Theater

I have been unfortunate and lost most of

my property by having to pay debts for other

people I now desire to get an appointment

to a clerkship at Washington and respectfully

ask you for a letter of recommendation

I have done as much and made as great

sacrifice to sustain the government as any

man in the State of my means I have two

sons in the army one in the 33 near New

Orleans the other a lad of eighteen years

in the 64th with Sherman in Georgia

I therefore feel that I have some claims

upon the Government

Now Gov will you be kind enough to write

as strong a letter as you consistantly can and

forward the same to me at Macomb

Respectfully Your

Obt Servant

A. C. Wiley

I enclose a recommendation of Judge Kellogg

and Judge Trumbull to a former paper

which I did not use will you be kind

to return the same to me with the letter


I most cheerfully concur in the above

recommendations and take pleasure in

saying that I have been personally acqu

ainted with Mr Wiley for many years

and know him to be an efficient and

energetic republican. a gentleman in

every way well qualified for the

position he desires.  a man of integrity 

and high moral standing in

the community in which he lives

and one who has contributed liberally

and freely of his time, energies and

money for the success of the republican

cause, and if anyone is entitled to

consideration in the bestowment of

patronage Mr Wiley certainly is and I

earnestly hope he may succeed in obtaining

an appointment.

Your Truly

Wm. Kellogg

I cheerfully join in the endorsement

of Mr. Wiley. I most earnestly recommend

him to the President for either a Land

office or Indian agency.

Lyman Trumbull

Springfield, Ill.


Wiley A.C.

Springfield Jan 13 '64

Desires to obtain a

clerkship at Washington

and wants a letter of


Made your acquaintance

in Washington some years

ago, where he and Judge Kel-

logg attended the Theatre

with you.



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