Local office of Pay Dept
Cairo Illinois
Jany 16, 1865
Hon Richard Yates
Dr Sir
My most intimate and particuler friend T. C. Moore Esq. of Batavia Kane, Co is an applicant for the Marshalship for the Nothern district of Illinois. Mr Moore a Gentleman of Talent & Education and possesses the confidence of the Good People of Old Kane, Co, to as large if not larger degree than any other man in it, (as I personally know,) and this influence as been enjoyed by him for years and it is the fruits of merit. And no man can show a brighter record than he, in that noble Co. for Patriotism during the Existing Rebellion
he has spent his time and money without stent in all good works & deeds that was to be done, and his open hand has caused the heart of many a poor wounded & sick soldier, to leap up with joy & Grattitude, and the widows and the Fatherless children (made so by the hand of Traitors,) call him blessed, for the same reason, Mr Moore by no means is rich, such men never are, (only in good deads) and in these he abounds If you can do any thing to forwards his wishes please do so. as an act of justice to a tru just & honest & worthy man, and one that always has been and is your tru friend and add an other to the many obegations that I am under to your kindness
Your Friend & Obt Servt
J H Mayborne
Maybourn J H
Cairo Jan'y 16th 65
Recommends his intimate friend Mr. T. C. Moore of Batavia Kane Co. for the position of Marshall of Northern Illinois