Presco Wright to Richard Yates



Presco Wright to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Presco Wright Springfield P.O.

Springfield Jany 26th 1865

Hon Richard Yates

Dear Sir

I had intended to have seen you before

you left for Washington but was absent

in the country on business. I desire the

appointment of Post Master at Springfield

which will be very satisfactory to me

and my friends. As regards the appointment

of our friend Henry C. Myers as Sutler

Camp Butler, Col Prevost the Commandant

he has made his appointments, two in

number, Charles Weston and Henry C.

Myers, which of course throughs me out

in the cold as it will not justify me or

Mr. Myers in joining in partnership as Mr.

Weston location at Camp gets all the trade

from Drafted and Substitute men sent there

I called upon our mutual friend Hon. S .M.

Cullom this morning and he informed me

he had just written you and directed me

to write you also, my object is simply

this that the President do not commit

himself to any person for the P.O. of our

City. Mr. J. B. Moody who is now a

Clerk in the office started his petition

yesterday for signatures recommending

him for the office. A thing I do not

propose to do at this early day as I

deem it unfair before the Inauguration

on the 4th March. I called upon some

of my friends for instance Rob't [Irwin?] -- James

L. Lamb. Gov Oglesby and the other officers

of State are for me and will not recommend

or sign any petition except for me.

       Now Gov I will be frank with 

you. I want the office for the support of

my family. And if agreeable any think

that you may do or say to the President in

my favor will be greatfully remembered

by me, as the campaign last fall rather

knocked me endways as regards money

matters I worked hard and never go back on

my friends. Cullom is my friend in

this matter but of course this is

strictly confidential. I am in hopes

of getting the office mentioned through

the aid of yourself and my other

friends such as I have mentioned, with


       Hoping that you and Springfield 

friends are enjoying life --

Yours Truly

Presco Wright



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