Bloomington, Jan 29 65 Gov Yates Jacksonville, Kind Friend I received Henry's letter and the Jacksonville Journal. I gave the journal to the editor of the Pantagraph and requested him to publish the pieces. He said that the columns of his paper were very much pressed but that he would publish the account of the reception. The next morning the enclosed "apology" was in the paper. If I can get copies of the paper when he makes the publications, I will send them to you. It is with much sorrow and deep feeling that I write. that last night our beloved and
much esteemed friend, Senator Isaac Frank died and passed from Earth to Heaven. Four hours after his death his wife died. Both died in this city. Little did we think when we were rejoicing in Springfield that the true old Champion would so soon be called by his master. In his death religion liberty and every right thing. Have lost a strong supporter. [illegible] and all kinds of sin a strong opposer. All well, [illegible] my kind regards to Mrs Yates and the rest of the family. Yours truly Wm Newton Rutledge
Rutledge Wm N
Bloomington, Jany 19/65
received the Journal containing account of the reception and gave it to the edition of the phantograph by whom it will be published in a day or two and he will send copies