With James Henderson letter 5/26/65
With E. Gilmore letter 5/27/65
With C. A. Savage letter 5/18/65
Monmouth Ill.
May 20th 1865
Hon. Richard Yates.
Dear Sir.
Capt James Henderson of this place is about asking for an appointment to a European Consulate, and will probably seek your afsistance in the matter.
I can say on his behalf, that no more worthy appointment could well be made, or that would give more general satisfaction in this part of the State. He has been a steadfast friend of yours through all weather.
I do not ask his appointment as a favor to myself; but if you can afsist him in the matter ----
you will have bestowed a favor on a true and deserving man, and who will faithfully, and efficiently represent his country abroad.
Yours truly
James Strain. ----
Hon. James Strain
Monmouth May 20. 65
Recommending Capt
James Henderson for
appt. to European Consulate