Middleburg May 26/65
Gov Yates
Dear Sir
I have noticed in the Chicago Tribune, a statement that you had returned to Springfield from Memphis, quite low with the Dysentery.
In the present crisis of our country I feel that we must not loose such men.
Enclosed I send you some pills which have never failed (if perseveringly used) to effect a permanent cure in all cases of Cholera Morbus, Camp Diarhea or Dysentery.
I have given many to the soldiers of my acquaintance in the field. Soldiers discharged from Hospitals, reduced by Camp Diarhea, returning to this place have been cured invariably.
The pills must be taken often enough to stop all evacuation. After taking from nine or ten according to the directions, wait twenty five or thirty hours when they [operate?] as a cathartic.
In case of another attack the same course must be taken again, until a permanent cure is effected.
Do not use them while using other medicine. They are purely vegtable & would not injure a well person. I am simply a Union woman that seeks to case her [mite?] in to the [scales?] on the side of Freedom.
With much respect Althina Davis Arnold
Middlebury Ind May 26, 1863
Has learned that the govern has return from the army quite sick. Encloses a box of Diarrhoea Pills which are a certain cure.
Recd Ex O. June 12th '63