Monmouth 29th May 1865
Hon Richd Yates
Dear Sir
I did myself this honor a few days ago - at that time I intended to defer sending to you the petition mentioned in that communication until I could obtain the signatures of The Chairman of Republican committees in other parts of the district but having seen a notice of vacancy at Munich occasioned by the death of Mr. Webster and learning too from Mr. Martin that you were willing to act in my behalf without my being further en ----
dorsed I take the liberty to enclose it with the names only of the leading Republicans of this place
I Remain Truly &
Your Obedt Servt
James Henderson ----
James Henderson
Monmouth Ills
Enclosing Petition
for appointment
to a
Foreign Consulship ----
[Enclosed (illegible) Henderson letter 5/29/65]
To His Excellency. Andrew Johnson
President of the United States
We the undersigned beg leave to present to your Excellency the name of James Henderson Esq. Atty at Law of Monmouth in the Fourth Congrefsional District of Illinois as a gentleman worthy of a position from an administration which he has ever exerted his talents and energies to sustain; ever since the Organization of the Republican party he has been an active supporter of its principles; and has not until now been an applicant for any position. Mr. Henderson is eminently fitted to fill the post of Consul - pofsefsing a Legal education added to a practical knowledge of Languages acquired during a residence of more than four years in France
An office that would afford him a remuneration would be gratefully accepted and would meet with the cordial approval of the friends of the administration in this District.
W D Henderson Assessor
4th Dist Ill
N A Rankin Chairman [Union?]
(Warren County) Committee ----
Draper Babcock Treasurer of Warren County
B. A. Cox Supt Public Schools Warren Co
David Turnbull Sheriff Of. W. C
T M Luster Clerk Circuit Court Warren Co Ill
W. J. Thomson. Clk County Court. W. Co
Jona M. Turnbull Post Master Monmouth Ills
James [Strain ?] Rep: Senator 14th District Illinois
James H. Martin Rep. from Warren Co.