Sterling Whiteside Co. Ills
July 5th 1865
Hon Richard Yates
Dear Sir
Will you grant me an
intrusion for a few moments upon your
time. Me, a stranger wish no claim whatever
upon your generosity and yet coming to you
for a boon, and wish a sort of blind faith
that you will not turn me away unsatisfied
I venture to approach you through the
name of my noble Husband. Genl E. N. Kirk
You knew him, knew something of his lofty
character of his [Service?] services, and have many
times been pleased to make acknowledgements
of him to my Husband's friends, for these
I have held you in grateful remembrance
and would thank you for them, and I have
felt that to one so generous and kind I
might make my strange request
I have sold my beautiful home in the
West, have paid or received the payt of all claims
against my Husband's estate. Thus newly
closing my business as Admin, [Nep
ank?] I intend returning with my only son
to my old home in Philadelphia, where,
(for reasons which I will not trouble you with)
I design opening a "young ladies seminary"
What I desire of you is the privilege of using
your honored name as reference. You
will understand the full value of it to
me for such a purpose,'tis more to be desired
than gold," I am hardly able to suggest
to you the means by which you are to
give such elasticity to your conscience
this endorsing one whom you have never
known for such a responsible position.
Unless you could act upon the belief that
a Husband capable, gifted and good as mine
was, could not change a wife wholly un
worthy of him. I do not say this of myself
all I can say is, that I had nor have no
higher aim in this life for myself and
my boy than to be entirely worthy of my
[Earth?] treasured Husband
Should you feel at liberty to grant the
request which I have made bold to ask
I shall be careful that my efforts to
make my darkened life useful shall
in no wise reflect discredit upon
you With the hope that I may
hear from you at your earliest convenience
I am with highest Admiration
And Respect Yours Tr
Mrs Edwd N Kirk
No 231 North 12th St
Mrs Kirk
July 5 1865
June 22, 1865 Wrote
her authorizing
full use of
my name
as reference