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Resolutions passed at a meeting of the citizens of Port Rowan, province of Canada.
Port Rowan, April 24, 1865,
In conformity with a numerously signed requisition addressed to John B. Hutchinson, esquire, reeve of the township of Walsingham, county of Norfolk, and province of Canada, a large and influential meeting was held in the Town Hall, in the village of Port Rowan, on the evening of Thursday, the 20th instant, for the purpose of affording the inhabitants of said township of Walsingham an opportunity of expressing their sympathy with the American people, and of offering their condolence to the late President's afflicted widow in the loss of so good a husband and father, and of expressing their abhorrence of the treacherous and bloody deed. At which meeting Hugh Mabee, esquire, was appointed chairman, and T. A. Hall, esquire, was chosen secretary, when the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Moved by Henry J. Killmaster, esquire, and seconded by P. Bennett, esquire.---
Resolved, That in view of the lamentable occurrence which has taken place in the neighboring nation of the United States, by which their Chief Magistrate has been deprived of life at the hands of a blood-thirsty assassin, we, the inhabitants of the said township of Walsingham, deem it incumbent upon us to offer to our mourning neighbors this expression of our sympathy for the great loss they have sustained in thus being deprived of a patriot and statesman.
Moved by John A. Backus, esquire, and seconded by Benjamin Killmaster, esquire---
Ressolved, That this meeting desire respectfully to offer their condolence to Mrs. Lincoln and her family, and hope, with the blessing of God, they will be sustained under this trying bereavement.
We have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servants,
H. A. Mabee,
T. A. Hall,