Hon. W. H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington D. C.
Honourable Sir: I have the honour of informing you that the citizens of Canzo, province of Como, Lombardy, Italy-wishing to express their venerationand sympathy for the great martyr to the cause of Emancipation and Union, out lamented President Abe Lincoln, unanimously passed a resolution to call after his name the Lin. Square by the side of the National Road in their honor.
They wished their resolution should reach the hands of the President of the S. St. of America, and tasked me care of fulfilling their desire.
But the illness of the President and many other difficulties caused me to delay the performance of my duty, and redered for me impossible to have the honour of an interview with his Excellency the President.
I send then herein the resolution of my fellow citizens and the accompanying letter of Mr. Bellarzi &c. to your Honour begging you to present the said Resolution et. et. to his Excellency the President A. Johnson.
I would be deeply thankful to you, if your Honour would be king enough to sent me a word of acknowledgment of the encolsed resolution to forward it to my fellow citizens in Italy for my justification and their justification.
Please receive the expression of my highest regard, while I feel the honour to be of your Hr.
most humble & affectionate servant
Achille Magni
July 20, 1865, No 106 Congress St., Brooklyn L.I.