With S. Noble letter (no date)
Camp at Ft. Massac September 30, 1861
To His Excellency Gov. Yates
I have written you once in reference to the appointment of a major or majors in my Regiment. I hope before you make the appointment, you will notify me and let me recommend one at least. It is of the utmost importance to the Regiment that we have the right kind of men for officers. I have one of the best Regiments in the service and I am very anxious to have it the best. Give me good officers and I promise you that you shall never be ashamed of us. For one of the major I want Henry L. Noble he is now Captain of Company A in the 13th Regiment. He has had considerable experience and would suit me better than any man in the state - I would like if you appoint two to have the other appointee from the Regiment as are two or three captains well qualified. If you can possibly do so appoint Captain Noble and I will be under renewed obligations to you. With him and the officers I now have I should be willing to undertake anything that would be reasonable for any Regiment to undertake.
We are getting along very well. We get no arms except 500 Halls Carbines (very poor arms). We are guarding the river for about 35 miles.
Please let me hear from you.
Very Respectfully
James and S. Noble