State of Oregon
Executive Department
Salem, Sept 24, 1863
Whether the rebellion is crushed very soon or not, an important Presidential election will soon have to be held. Allow me therefore to respectfully suggest that the next National Convention convened for the nomination of President and Vice President be called as a "Union Convention" and that the nominees be called "Union" candidates.
Among the reasons which prompt me to make this recommendation are-
1st Before the Presidential election the voters of Oregon have to elect a Legislative Assembly, Member of Congress, State Printer and three Judges of the Supreme Court. That Legislature has to elect one U.S. Senator for six years.
2d Our General election is held in June 1864.
Before that time the National Convention will have been held and the result of the same will be known long before our election.
3d The so called democratic party in this State will adopt a Douglas war platform. All secessionists will go with it and the leaders will try to take along with them the Douglas men of the State who hold the balance of power.
4th. If the Presidential Convention is called as Republican and candidates are seen as such, thousands of Douglas democrats in this State and California will go with the secession democracy and endanger the State and electoral tickets.
5th. The candidates in this State will be nominated by a Union Convention and seen as Union men.
Unless these suggestions are heeded, in my opinion there will be great danger of a copperhead triumph on this coast and the election of a U.S.
Senator of that stripe. And we may learn too late that there is something in a name. Should these suggestions meet your views, I hope you will co-operate with other loyal Governors to accomplish what seems to me this very desirable object.
Hoping to hear from you soon.
I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Addison C. Gibbs.
His Excellency
Governor of
File Private Answered Nov. 10 63 Gibbs Addison C.
Governor of Oregon Salem Sept 24 1863
The Presidential Election will soon have to be held, thinks the Convention for the nomination should be called as a "Union Convention" &c. Makes a number of suggestions in regards to the [next?] election and if they meet the Governors' views hopes he will cooperate with other loyal Governors.
Gov Write him that letter laid by---and overlooked---that I fully agree with him and will do all in my power to effect his object
Executive Office Oct 22 63