Address Reeds' Temple of Music Chicago April 22/64
To his Excellency:
Gov. Yates of Illinois
My very dear Friend, As I had not heard from you for so long a time, in reply to My previous two letters, I feared they were lost and I wrote again, a third letter to which I have just received a reply from your private Secretary, who tells me what you had intended before you left for Washington & read me all those speeches documents, etc, long promised, to enable me to write a
biography of you, worthy both of you & of myself. I know how overwhelmed with business you are_ and I will do My best to decipher the load of it, so far as this biography is concerned. Therefore, if you will write or telegraph me , that I am to go to Springfield, and get the documents from Mr. Loomis or your Secretary and from there also such other facts as May be necessary to me, I will go at once. I have been so long
waiting for this employment, _idle all the while,- and Earning little or nothing, having given up every thing and refused to accept every thing new,- in order that i Might be ready at any Moment to devote Myself to your work, that I begin to feel weary. Altho I never for a moment had the slightest doubt of your (total?) uprightness in the matter - trusting as implicite to your word as I would to the oath of nearly all the men I have ever known.
Geo. L. Philips
Be so good as say, in your letter of reply, (which I pray you May be soon I hope). From whom I am to receive My final instructions at Springfield, whether Mr. Loomis, or your Secretary. I will go at once to Springfield if you say so. Shall I dedicate My new book to you? Will it help you?
Always Yours Most Truly
Geog Phillips