Geneva Kane County, Ill.
October 30th 1861.
To His Excellency Richard Yates
Governor of the State of Illinois,
May it please Your Excellency,
The undersigned states to Your Excellency that he is a practicing attorney of this State, and is now judge of the County Court of the County of Kane, and that he formerly practiced medicine, (as a regular physician,) surgery &c, for twenty-five years successively, and has been well acquainted with Henry M. Crawford M.D. of St Charles, in said county, during ten of more years last passed, and with pleasure states that the moral and gentlemanly deportment of the Dr stand unimpeachable, and that as a physician and surgeon his acqurements and skill may well be ranked as of a superior order, and such as would prove creditable to the medical department of the army.
The undersigned therefore respectfully suggests that Dr. Crawford may, with great propriety, be referred to Professor Johnson, President of the Board of Medical Examiners of this State as a candidate for a situation (over)
in the medical department of the army, and at the request of Dr. Crawford the undersigned hereby respectfully requests that Your Excellency will refer him to the Medical Board for examination as surgeon of a regiment, to which situation he informs me that he is now conditionally appointed, and only awaits an examination before the said Board and their certificate of qualification.
I remain,
Your Excellency very Obt
Humble Servt
Daniel Eastman.
P.S. Please direct the order (if granted) to Prof Johnson Chicago forthwith if possible
Respectfully H M Crawford MD.
Danl. Eastman.
30th Oct. '61
Recommendation of Dr. Crawford of Kane Co. for examination.
Order sent 29 Nov m