Quincy Ills Oct. 20th/64
Gov. Richard Yates
Springfield Ills
Dr Sir
I understand that and has come from Secty Stanton that such of Ills Soldiers as you desire may be furloughed home to vote at the coming November Election. If such is the case I would like very much to have the Adams County boys that are in the 10th 16th & 50th Ills Regts. We think with the soldiers of these Regts. here to vote we can carry this County and Congressional district. I would urge that you telegraph to Secty. Stanton immediately (if not already done) and see if such an arrangement cannot be effected. I think it highly important.
Your most Obt.
John Wood
Wood John
Quincy Oct 20/64
Says they must have 10th 16th & 50th Regts home to vote in order to carry Adams County. Wants Gov to do it.