George S. Bangs to Richard Yates


George S. Bangs to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum











Ruling and Binding.

Office of the Aurora Beacon,



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The "Beacon" has a Larger Circulation than all other Papers in Kane County combined.

Geo. S. Bangs.

O.B. Knickerbocker.

Aurora, Ill., Nov. 13th 1864.

Dear Governor:-

I suppose it is certain that we have carried both branches of the Legislature & that you can with some certainty calculate who are your friends among those who make the majority. That other candidates for the Senate are making their appearance you probably know, and before the time arrives for the election, there will form combinations against you. Against all opposition you must be prepared. Do not leave a stone unturned, or our honorable expections untried thus will secure success. I fear that you will have opposition from persons that have strongly professed to be friendly and also from some who are under obligation to support you. My chance for observation to any great extent is limited, and therefore shrink from sounding any note of alarm; but are you certain that all of the holdover Senators are for you? I think you told me once they were. Our Mr. Allen is all right; but how is it with Ward? Now, I have no right to create any distrust in your mind of him, and do not desire to; I only want you to be certain and have him fixed up if he is not already. I believe him to be an honorable man and a clever, high minded gentleman and if he is pledged to you he will doubtless fulfill his promise. I was told in Chicago on Thursday last that he was against you, but possibly there was a mistake. Is there any truth in the rumor that Col. Bob Ingarsol's friends contimplate a raid in his favor in that direction? I have been told that there is an idea of this kind afloat; but it does not seem to me to be formidable,

except that it may create confusion. Is there any truth in that other story that Oglesby will be a candidate? You have doubtless heard it often and know the extent of it. There are those who would urge this thing, & if Dick is not proof against the hope, it is possible that a strong combination can be made with him. Those who are opposed to you will try everything & everybody, from Oglesby to Logan, Palmer & Ingarsol. You must be prepared against the possible contingency that some of our folks will not go into the caucus, or be bound by its decision. And right here let me ask how is it with Wash Bushnell of LaSalle. He is a good man and will stand up to his word, but he can be as ugly as the Devil if he takes the notion. Your friends in Woodford & LaSalle doubtless put the ring in his nose before the election, but if you have not and others not, you had better have him seen by some good stout friend.

You must excuse me, Governor, for what may appear to you as "simple minded zeal" in this matter. I want to see you get through. I know that there is likely to be combinations against it; and that many things may be said to accomplish your defeat; Do not "trust to luck" in any one particular where it can be avoided, but take time & circumstances by the fortap and smoke the opposition out of your track. Do not trust too implicitly in the magnanimity and honesty of men. There are a heap of them that have been diping their crust in your molasses dish within the last four years, who are ready to sell out for a better bid. They may not get a chance, & I trust you have got the bars put up in such a way that they will not; but when I hear men who have been professing strong friendship for you, and who have partaken largely of your confidence and used you to advance their interests, magnifying the only argument that can be used by your enemies, it makes me the more anxious that you be on the guard and strive unremittingly for certain success.

Excuse my impudence and believe me

Your Friend

Geo S. Bangs


Bangs Geo. S.

Aurora Nov. 13th 64




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