Heaquarters Quarter-Master General's Department, Springfield, Illinois. dec 18th 1861. His Excy Govr Yates Sir On my late visit to Washington, I presented to the Secretary at War a statement of the amount expended by the State of Illinois on a/c of Ordnance, when he promised me that orders should be sent to Capt Callender Ordnance officer at the St Louis Arsenal, to audit the bills and refund the amount. I accordingly made application to Capt Callender and met with the answer that he had no instructions in the premises. I then telegraphed to the Secretary of War of date 6th inst requesting him to send the promised authority to Capt Callender, and subsequently on dec 12th wrote him to the same effect. In both cases I am yet without an answer, and would now request your Excellency to call the attention of the Secretary to this matter that the State may be reimbursed for the Ordnance Expenditures, and be thus enabled to continue the fabrication of ammunition, requisitions for supplies which are of
constant occurrence
I have also to request your Excellencey to call the attention of the Secretary at War to the concluding portion of my letter to him of the 12th inst respecting boots and India rubber blankets, for a supply of which I am constatly importuned by the Commanding officers of Illinois troops, - I wish to be informed whether the Government will authorize the supply of those articles
The majority of the Illinois Cavalry Regiments are still without arms, Carbines pistol and sabers and I would respectfully suggest that your Excellency should bring this pressing want under the notice of the Secretary.
I have the honor to remain Yours respectfully John Wood Quarter Master Gen I.V.[M?]
Gov. Wood to Sec. of War as to Ordnance Boots etc. Dec 18.