substance of letter to Secy Stanton as to Carbines for 6th Cav.
State of Illinois
Executive Department.
Springfield March 13. 1862
Hon E. M. Stanton
Sec. of War
Dear Sir
Sometime in the latter part of December Gen. John Wood Quarter Master Genl of the State of Illinois was in Washington & procured, as he informed me, an order from the War Department on Maj. Hagner at N. York for 1140 carbines for the 6th Illinois Cavalry Regiment. Maj. Hagner contracted with Gwyn & Campbell of Hamilton, Ohio, for the manufacture of said arms -- It appears now that the only order, which the manufacturers have is that the carbines are to be delivered to me. I desire you to send me a copy of the order which you made as these carbines, or to give me
an order specifying to whom said arms are to be delivered -- If sent to me generally there will be general squabble among our Regiments for them - for our Regiments are wofully deficient in cavalry arms -- If I am to deliver them to the 6th Regiment as was understood by Gen. Wood please inform em immediately --
The officer, Major Grierson, who went to Hamilton Ohio for said carbines for the 6th Regt -- says they cannot be manufactured for 6 weeks yet, but he says they have 300 carbines at $22.00 each of not quite so good a quality as those contracted for (which are to cost $27.00 each) which would suit his battallion well and he would be very glad to get them -- Can he have these?
Please answer at earliest possible date and oblige
Yours very Respectfuly
Richd Yates