Philadelphia April 2, 1862
Dear Governor
I take this the first moment to let you hear from your old friend one that will never forget you and your dear family and only which it wase me instide of ower Doct Filbert hough leaves for Springfield to knight and hope he will arrived safe and sond and reports to you in person and explain to you his visite to your butifull city in facte he is quite in love with Springfield and think of making it his future home. Dear Gov. ve have hade trubled in refrence to those vouchers the Dr. brought home with him ve have I hope sum hundred of thousands of dollars and not received the first nickl as yet du all you can for the Dr. he is my [Lieph?]& Co with my best regards for your Dear family and this letter [illegible] for me and [ses?] I remain
Yours Respectfully
F. Sarmiento