Camp Pittsburg Tenn
April 14th 1862
Jesse K Dubois
Dear sir
Thair is a strong probability that thair will be a vacancy for a field officer in our Regt soon. And thair will be any amount of applicants for said office. I write this note for the purpas of soliseting your influence in my be half I think that my exsperiance is sufficient to wornt me in saying that I coulde discharge the duties of Major or Leut Col and I am satisfide My appointment woulde meet with the approbation of this Regt, our County (Wayne) has turned out near 12 hundred souldiers and she has never hade a field officer. You will pleas lay may claim befor Gov Yates at the proper time
Yours Respectfully
Nathan Crews
Gov Yates
I hope if a vacancy should occur, you will remember our friend whom “we thought dead but is alive”
O M Hatch
Capt. N. Crews
Pittsburg T. Apr 14
Crews is a member of Legislature. Write him that I estimate him highly & will try & rember his case
Com sent