Springfield Apl 24/62
Gov Yates
Dear Sir
You remarked today that you could antedate that appointment if made---but you need not do this unless you prefer it. For, candidly, I have not the least desire for any office whatever, but in this case will do anything in my power to accommodate Judge Thomas & aid you: for you & the Judge have both been very kind to me. For these reasons I shall be entirely satisfied if the Judge should conclude to retain the office. You will allow me to say in this connection, that I desire to do any thing I can to aid you or help
carry out you plans, because, as one of the Citizens of Illinois, you have my most earnest hearty thanks & even gratitude, for the diligence, energy & ability you have exercised as governor, in organizing the Illinois Army & in providing for the comfort of the Soldiers before wounded & in tenderly & effectually caring for them after wounded. You know that I never flatter & in this case do not mean to flatter, but simply to speak the honest truth in uttering these sentiments, which are only the common sentiments of every
true Illinoian.
Yours Truly,
R. S. Thomas
R. S. Thomas April 24
as to an appt.