Mathhew N. and Martha C. Alford to Richard Yates


Mathhew N. and Martha C. Alford to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Aprile the 29 1862

Palmyra State of Illinois Macoupin Cty

To govener yeats

Dear friend I take the liberty this morning of Addressing you as A friend it is A broken Mother mourning for the loss of her Dear son that was killed in the Battle of pitsburg that comes asking and beseeching A favor of you and I hope you will grant it as you are the one that has the power to do so I want my Dear sons boddy brought home to be buried whar we have another childe buried my husband is A poor man and has had a greadeal of sickness his self and it has takeen every thing that he could Make to soporte his family and pay his doctor Bills therefore he is not Abele to do anything

within hisself and we com to you for assistence it was hard enough for A mother to give her son up to go and fight for his Country but it is much harder to think of his Beeing killed Buried whar I never can see his face nor his grave ether and I doant think that I ever can be reconsiled any more if he aint brought home oh do have pity on me I pray if I had been Able I should have com to you with bended knees and asked this favor face to face but poverty prevents me of that privelidge at this time my sons name is Charles Alford he belonged Captain davisons Company A 32 Regment Illinois volenteers he has beteen forty five and fifty dollars coming to for his survis in the army and I want to no of you if we can

draw the bounty money that he was to have if so I think that And the balance that is due him will shorley buy a coffin and pay for bringing him home I want an are tite coffin with glass over the face so that I can see him when he is brought home it was his request to be brought home if he got killed therefore I feel it my duty to do all I can towards bringing him home but I cant do any thing without assistance unless I could get his money and I doant no how to go about getting it I want you to wright to me by returne of mail and let me no what I may depend upon if I get him I want it done soon as posible you must excuse my bad wrighting and spelling for I am a poor scholer and pleas except my

[written at the top of the page] Matthew N. Alford Palmyra, Ill

plain and simple letter you must not think hard of us for addressing you as we have but consider us your true friends for my husband has been a soporter of yours in all the electtions that you have been in for the last ten years you must rite to us without fail so I Close my letter by subscribeing our selves your most obedient survents untill Death from Matthew N. Alford and Martha C. Alford

To the onerable Richard Yeats govener of Illinois

A much beloved and highly assteamed gentleman

[written upside down on the bottom of this page] Martha C. Alford Palmyra Ills May 29th 1862 Answer Kindly

[written vertically across this page] ans June 10 M



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