Summner Ills June 5th/62
To the Hon Gov Yates
Sir I am under the necessity to write you on a private subject
You will Recolect that one year ago I Reported to you to the affect that I had Raised a company of volunteers for the service, that company was never accepted for some cause for three months after the Company had been broken up by others that was accepted after the organization of our Company, but After our boys had gone in other Companys, then I had orders to move, then I was left without
men, I felt much chagrined at the use made of my service, I was at a great expense being throwed out of business, and now am Really in needy circumstances
Now I wish to know if I there is no humble place at your disposal that you could bestow on me, I know there is many favored Democrates in this Country who are in my humbly opinion unworthy of any Trust that have Recd favours, of government while those that have stood firm to the Republican Principles are neglected, I would now be in the service as a private but I persume Rejected in that capasity, I will still hope that justice will be done me
untill all fails, I will not Trouble your Excellency more hoping I will hear from you at your convenience
Yours Fraternally
Luke Elliott
Luke Elliott
Summner June 5
wants to get in the service &c
Answer - that he can raise Co. for 3 years Service if he can do it immediately. There is no vacancy.
Ansd June 7