Jacksonville June 12, 1862
Hon Richard Yates
Dear Governor,
I have sent you today a copy of the last Journal to shew you what we are doing here against that gigantic Swindle by courtesy called the "New Constitution. There is no editor of the Journal now, as Mr Barden has no time and no experience to devote to that department.
This week I took charge of the Journal myself and wrote all the editorials in it in all political subjects, including the Constitution - There is also an article of mine in reply to the slanders circulated by Democrats and the Sentinel
as well as Register and Times. Next week I will have the letter, which appeared in the Journal (Springfield) republished in the Jacksonville Journal. Since last Friday John Strong and myself have raised over $20 - and with it got printed and mostly circulated 5000 Handbills against the "New Constitution" - They have been supplied to almost every reading voter in this County, and I have sent thousands to Cass, Menard, and Scott Counties and John has sent some to Greane - I am speaking some, but as I am not very well (my thoat troubles me) I can not speak as much as I would desire - I spoke at Bethel last night, shall speak
P.S. I send you one of our hand bills H. J. A.
at [illegible] tomorrow evening, & once or twice on Saturday at Naples on Monday evening - Many Democrats are against it - I think at least 100 in the County - Our men are almost unanimous against the Constitution - Woff (a lawyer of Concord) being the only one I know for it - Unless they get some of our Dutch & Portuguse (which I hope they will not) we shall cut down their majority, much I think - Can't it be arranged so that many, if not all, of John King's Co. at Camp Butler shall have a chance to vote here? I don't know how the Co. stands politically- Our Republicans are wide awake and hopeful of the result - I have got along finely in my office as State's Atty - The Democratic Paper at Carrolton complimented me highly, so did the one at Hardin, Calhoun Co, Yours &c H. J. Atkins
H. J. Atkins Jacksonville June 12th 1862
Has taken charge of Paper - New Constitution, handbills - speaking