Continental Hotel
Philada June 17th 1863
To His Excellency
Hon. Richard Yates
Gov. State of Illinois
I have the honor to inform you that I have been appointed by the Secretary of War Commissioner for recruiting U S Colored Volunteers, and that I propose to exercise the functions of my office in your state.
The enclosed Copy of a circular letter which I am Sending to my agents will give you Some idea of my plan of operations So far as it has been formed
I am happy to know that you are heartily interested
in this work and feel assured in advance that as it is a Common cause I shall have your cooperations
I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant
George L Steams
Major of A.A.G. [U.S.V.?]
Commissioner of Cold Vols
Steams George L
Philada June 17th 1863.
Has been appointed by the Secretary of War Commissioner for recruiting U S Colored Volunteers. Encloses copy of a circular letter which he is sending to his agents. will give some idea of his plan of operation