Head Quarters U.S. Forces
Munfordville. Ky. Aug. 20" 1863
This is to certify that John B. Wolf of 107th Regt. Ils.V. I. has been performing the duties of Post Adjut. of this place for near three months having entire control of the official matter of these Head Quarters and has performed the duty attached thereto with great accuracy and promptness. He is a young man of noble moral habits whose social qualities, sympathy and respect for those whomsoever he may meet has elicited the greatest esteem and love not only of those in army with him but the many citizens who have found his acquaintince. His thorough knowledge of military matters of various departments his familiarity with official reports truly entitles him to a higher position than a Leutenancy and it would be a personal favor to me and an honor to his State as well as a benefit to the service to have Mr. Wolf promoted at an early a date as possible
Very Respectfuly
Your Obt. Sert
C.S. Pennetaker
Col. 27" Ky V.Y.
Com'g Post
To His excellency
Gov. Yates of Illinois