Hebron McHenry Co
Nov 23d 1863
Hon Richard M Yates
Dear sir
I have resided in Illinois Since 1855. about four years in Chicago and about the same length of time in Rockford, last April I bought a farm in the town of Alden McHenry Co a short distance from the Wisconsin state line, but having no house on my farm my brother in law who resides in Wisconsin gave me permission to reside with him until I could build or hire a house nearer my farm upon which I was at work. I accordingly moved my family to his house, this was about the 15th of April, in the fore part of the following May I was enrolled in the - malitia of that State although
only a temporary resident. I continued to live at my brother in law's until the middle of last October when I succeeded in hiring a house but a short distance from my farm, and accordingly returned to Illinois.
Since my return to this State I am informed that I was drafted in Wisconsin about a week ago, though not yet officially notified of the fact. I wish you would inform me whether I am liable to that draft in Wisconsin or as a Citizen of Illinois and what course I should pursue in matter & oblige
Your Most Obt Servant
J M Tappen
You will observe it was about a month after my return to Illinois that the draft took place - I forgot to state
that previous to my leaving Rockford I was enrolled in Winnebago County
Tappen J M.
Hebron McHenry Co Nov 23 1863.
Was enrolled in this State, moved to Wis' and was enrolled in that State. has been notified that he has been drafted in Wis - Wishes to know what course to pursue.
Answered Decr. 7 1863 It is necessary for him to satisfy Comr that at time his was enrolled in Wisconsin he was actually a resident of an enrolled in Ills.
Executive Office Dec 1 63