Senate Chamber.
Febry 28. 1862.
Dear Madam.
Your very kind letter of 27th ult. was rec'd in due time and I owe you an apology for my neglect in the premises, which I now tender you. I had not forgotten the matter however and design giving it my personal attention on tomorrow -- You are aware that for some weeks, sicknefs in the Presidents family prevented any satisfactory interview with him
and since the death of his son, I have learned that he was opprefsed with grief and was indeed much indisposed to be annoyed with businefs, such as could be avoided at the time.
Therefore all businefs that I designed to submit to him has been held back but tomorrow I design presenting it and will place the appointment of your son before the President
I cannot secure him any appointment at West Point, but pofsibly may for the Navy --.
Be afsured that I am very grateful for your exprefsions of confidence and hope that I may be so fortunate as to retain your good opinion
Your friend & Obt Servt
J. B. Henderson
Please return this ? as I have it filed, with other letters on the subject.
E. P. Burke