Mose Sandford to John Beatty


Mose Sandford to John Beatty


Mose Sandford writes a remarkable letter to "Friend Johnny" describing the circumstances under which Lincoln's body was transported to the White House from 10th St. and describing the return of Lincoln's clothing and other possessions to Sandford at the Relyea offices. Sandford presents to his friend a portion of the shirt front (shirt bosom) worn by Lincoln the night of the assassination. In a further section of the letter he describes the excitement in Washington after the assassination and the mood of the crowds. The letter has a small rectangular fragment form the blood-stained shirt front, as described in Sandford's letter, neatly clipped to the first page of the letter. The original envelope is addressed to John [ ], Exchange Street, Jersey City.


Sandford, Mose


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Write immediately as I am anxious to hear from You tell us where you was and what you Where doing when you learned the news.

Washington D.C.

Apl. 17th 1865

Dear Friend Johnny

You must excuse me for not Writing you befor but as the Old saying says better late than never." so here goes. I hardly think a letter from this city Especially at this time and from an Old Friend will be apt to be thrown to one side and forgoten. I also send You enclosed in this letter a piece of the Shirt Bosom worn By the President on the night of his Murder and remained on him until he died. I wish You to give a piece of it to Billy Denver and Tom Greene, I could sell every inch of it for $5. But prefer dividing it among my Friends and more especially You Billy and Tom for I know You will keep and appreciate it also remember the doner and while looking upon it recollect that he Never forgets his Old and True Friends, I have his Nec tie and would not take $50 for it have been offered $10 for it several times," I suppose you would like to know how I came by his clothes. Well the morning he died, Genl Rucker came immediately to Our Shop and had a Common Pine Box made to bring


him from 10th St to the White House in after they arrived at the House they cut his clothes off of him and threw them in the Box we made and sent the Box back to the Shop for safe keeping it was placed in My Charge in My Room the Hardware Department, and Just as soon as the coast was clear I unscrewed the lid and went through the Ward Robe for relics, I found on one of the Sleeves of his Shirt one of his sleeve Buttons Black enameled trimed with gold and the letter L on the outside with A.L underneath that I sent to the Sect of War the Bosom of his Shirt was the Next thing which met my Eye as it had considerable Blood upon it so I Just confescated the whole of it the piece I send You and another about the Same size is all I have left the Nec tie I wouldnt part with under any consideration I have taken all the Screws out of the Box which were turned down on him from 10th St to his house and have put others in their place, I will give You one when I come Home; the Box he was brought up in is within 5 ft of My Desk where I am Now Writing. dont forget to give Tom and Billy a piece of it the ("Shirt Bosom") The Murder took place Just 25 minutes to Eleven on last Friday Night at Fords Theatre on 10th St. the play

was Our American Cousin. I was at Grovers Theatre Next to Jim Lamberts Just 3 1/2 Blocks from Fords they were playing Aladdin or the Wonderful lamp and had Just commenced the 4th act I was at the time Sitting between 2 Detectives Friends of mine and one of them had Just asked me the time which was 20 Minutes to Eleven Miss German had Just finished a song called Sherman Marching down to the Sea and was about to repeat it when the door of the Theatre was pushed violently open and a Man rushed in exclaiming turn Out For Gods Sake the President has been Shot in his private Box at Fords Theatre he then rushed out every boddy seemed glued to the spot I for one and I think I was one of the First who attempted to moove ("it was either me or apple Jack for I was full of that") Every body followed I made straight for Fords and such another Excighted Crowed I Never before whitnessed I asked who did it and was informed Wilks Booth they were Just Bringing the President out when I arrived on the Spot I will leave the papers to tell You the rest, Business is entirely suspended and the Whole City is draped in Mourning the Excightment has pretty well

died out, they have embalmed the Boddy of the President and it will lay in State tomorrow and next day and the Funeral takes place on Thirsday. We had a Big time last Week in the illumination line but that is all Forgoten the Theatres Stores Every place of Business and the Gin Mills are all closed and perfectly inundated with crape it dont do for a Man to Open his Mouth unless he talks the right way." $30000 reward has been offered here for the arrest and coviction of the Murderer and upt to date they are still at large," Sewards House is Just 5 1/2 Blocks from Fords Theatre in the rear of Jackson Square and Nearly Opposite the White House on 15 and 1/2 St. he is getting allong finely but his Son is very low indeed Friday Night Was a Night long to be remembered by me I was on the Streets all Night. its impossible for me to discribe the scenes as they occured here the City was in one continual whirl of excightment crowds on every corner and 10th St was one solid Mass of excighted men flourishing knives and revolvers and yelling down with the Traitors instead of hunting for them Well Johnny I will have to bring this to a close, Give My Regards to Your Mother Tom Billy and all enquiring Friends. Write soon and dont forget to give Billy and Tom a piece of that Bosom. for as true as Heaven I swair its Just wat I have represented it to be. Receive this togather with My Best Respects and Wishes from Your True Friend Mose Sandford

John Beatty, Esq

Exchange Broker

Jersey City

New Jersey

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Original Format

fabric, paper and ink
7 p
25 x 20 cm

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