Peoria Jany 26 1861
Governor Yates
I understand that a vacancy exists in the board of Bank Commissioners. I think this part of the State entitled to some consideration and as yet our claims are entirely overlooked in the appointment of officers. I take pleasure in suggesting the name of Charles Holland Esq of the City as a suitable person to fill that office I have been intimately acquainted with Mr. Holland for a number of years and believe him to be well qualified to discharge the duties of the office.
You will find him honest faithful capable and energetic in the discharge of his duty If an opening presents itself and you consider the great central portion of the State as entitled to a share of the public honor and patronage I know of no other person as well qualified for the office as Mr. Holland. and hope he may receive the appointment
Yours truly
H. Grove
H. Grove
asking appointment of Charles Holland as Bank Commissioner
Would be pleased to do so on his & your acct but the places of Bk Commrs. already promised