Mary Lincoln to James Orme


Mary Lincoln to James Orme


With her finances apparently in freefall, Mary Lincoln writes a second letter to James Orme renewing her appeal to him in response to word that Congress has turned its back on her situation. She mentions the Senate committee report tabling her bill because of lack of precedent and the fact that her wealth, as they calculated it, amounted to nearly $60,000. She strongly refutes that charge.


Lincoln, Mary Todd


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum









Has Version

Turner, p. 561


Marienbad. Bohemia

May 28th 1870

Hon. James H. Orne

My Dear Sir:

The letter and paper of May 3d, which you so kindly sent me, was received here a day or two since. Since that time alas, to judge from the report of the Senate Committee && there is to my mind, so troubled with anxiety & sorrow---but little chance of the noble work of the House being responded to---by the Senate. Mr Edmunds the Sen---(in the place of that good, noble & true gentleman, dear Senator Foote) appears vehemently determined---that cruel injustice

shall be rendered to the bereaved family of the man, who was above all others in the great work of the War. If I could possibly live, otherwise than to be a mortification to myself, I would not make the least request---at the hands of those---who could so ameliorate my sad condition. I am almost helpless---there are days when I cannot walk straight. I am unable to wait upon myself---from very frequent illnesses---as in the only plainest & most obscure way, I can keep myself---assuredly with my small means I cannot keep a servant. I wrote you, dear Mr Orne, a hurried but sincere statement of facts, a week since from Eger, en route here. Then I told you, what my oldest

son & myself, have always kept to ourselves---that so soon---as my senses could be regained---I had every [Wash?] & every other indebtedness---sent to me & out of every dollar---I could command---I paid to the uttermost farthing. In some cases, known by the the administrators---but in a very few---it was all done by ourselves my son & myself out of my money so that it should be said---that President Lincoln---was not in debt. This is one of the causes, why I am so straightened now---for living as we were compelled to, my husband not being a rich man & we had to pay enormous prices for every thing---those war times. When I now hear, from cruel---wicked reckless assertions---how rich I am---often wanting

for a meal---that I would daily offer a hungry way farer---If I could. my broken heart, cries aloud & I sigh more than ever to be at rest by my darling husband's side. Under any circumstances, I believe I should have hastened to settle any indebtedness against the estate, but being often told---that the remaining salary of the four years, would be given to the family. All I wished then was to die, if it had been Our Heavenly Fathers will---and the great sorrow & oftentimes cruelty---I have endured since, does not soften the aspect of life---or deprive it of its bitterness. Please write me on receipt of this a candid statement & your just views of the situation of affairs.

5 I wrote you on my letter from Eger that on receipt of the refusal of the Sen. Com to confirm the bill---it was deemed best by my physician & two or three friends, that I should come on here. My mind is in such a disturbed state and truth to say---I am so unpleasantly situated---so unable to place myself in quarters---that one hearing my name, should occupy---that I am uncomfortable here. My health is very poor---so much so, since I have been here, now one week---I have had to send for the old physician of the place, two or three times---no menial near to assist me, if I was dying. Will not this condition of affairs, be rectified by a people---who are the nobles of the earth. Could my

devoted & indulgent husband, ever have anticipated---such a return for the work of freedom & saving his country---from a rebellious foe! Whilst I am writing, I am in receipt of a letter from my young son saying that Mrs Orne & her family have arrived at Frankfort & he has seen them! I feel like flying back---but will certainly very much shorten my stay here---to return to see them. There never was such goodness & nobleness of heart, I believe in any other woman in the world, as Mrs Orne possesses. Her loving sympathy---has been a great comfort to me. I will write her at once. If she had written me, she would have been coming earlier than July to Germany---I would have waited for her. As it is---two weeks hence---I return to Frankfort.

[written vertically across page 1] Hoping you will excuse this letter which in your great goodness---under the present trying circumstances I am sure you will---and earnestly requesting---your views of affairs & prospects in A---I remain most respectfully

Your Friend Mary Lincoln



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Original Format

paper and ink
6 p
21 x 14 cm

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