Edwin Booth to Jervis McEntee



Edwin Booth to Jervis McEntee


While traveling through Scotland, Edwin Booth writes Jervis McEntee that even though they are not "doing" Europe, he has no idle time. Booth called on Bret Harte, the U.S. Consul to Scotland, but Harte was in London. Booth hopes to see the Passion Play and describes the scenery and weather.


Booth, Edwin


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum











Glasgow, July 20th 1880

My dear Jervey

I have deferred you 'til' I could locate some where long enough to write more than a mere reminder but it seems as though I am fated to be hurried---to be moved on from place to place without a breathing spell. Yet we are not "doing" Europe---but somehow we have everyday some where to go, which consumes the day, and at night we are fagged out. I want to write you a good long letter and shall do so---as soon as I get settled somewhere, but tonight ( 12.M) I am compelled to scribble

a breif howdydo & good night, for I must rise at six tomorrow to start for a Clyde tour. We reached here at 4 & Love Love the City. Bret Harte is Consul here---saw him today, for an hour only---as he is gone to London, not to return 'til' I am gone. Had a letter from [Hennessey?] full of gush, &c. I don't "tie to him" "very tightly anymore. "He soured on me," as the Arabs say. Our trip over was like a carol sail , & our tour of Ireland from the extreme [south?] to the northernmost end of the isle was very pleasant,

marred only by the fogs and rain which thrive there.Today we have had a full feast of sunlight. You know more about Europe than I can possibly tell you, & shall merely state the fact that we are all well & [thriving?] That not a day has passed but I have mentally said "now I must writ Jervy" & as it turned out, you know now I didn't 'till' now. We shall remain here a few days & then go to Edinburgh for several more prior to our English tour. I expect to be in London about the end of August & after a Couple of weeks there to go to catch a glimpse of the Passion

Play, which I desire to see as a study, not for curiosity. Have not yet written to either Launt or Boughton---indeed have had no chance to write anything that could be called a letter. This scenery so far is behind [America?]--as you doubtless know, but of course, antiquity & association render it very interesting. We have worn our winter clothing ever since we left New York. This is really a note to let you know that you are not forgotten & that I still live. You shall have a letter before many days pass. But don't wait for that---write soon & often

Love to all. Ever yours---Booth



Percent Completed




Original Format

paper and ink
4 p
20 x 13 cm

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