Mary Ann Booth to Edwina Booth


Mary Ann Booth to Edwina Booth


Mary Ann Booth writes a chatty letter to Edwina Booth discussing the weather and snow. She also mentions that Aunt Asia is asking for news.


Booth, Mary Ann


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










[vertically, as addendum to end of letter, on first page next to address and date] Marie has never called all the Holidays, she is not acting & I have heard nothing of her Poetry

339 W 28th St

New York

Jany 20th 1881

My dear darling Edwina I have just been wishing for a letter from you. its 5 weeks since you wrote to me last, & I do so miss your letters. I am afraid you have got a Beau or something to make you forget me. Rosealie had a letter New Years day, from you, the last letter I wrote to you the was 29th of Decr - perhaps you may not have Received it. we have

had dreadful Weather but to day its Sun shiny & Rose has just come in from a little walk, the first time for 6 weeks. I have just read in this morning's paper of the Snow Storm in London giving a decriptin Just as it was the winter of 1835. The last time I was in London. it has been just the same here this winter. When I was 14 years old it was a dreadful cold winter in London, the Thames was frozen so thick that a Fair & Barbacu was held on it. I walked on it,

[vertical in right margin] My paper is miserable I can hardly write on it

but I was so in hopes it would have been milder this winter, but I think the Cold has been the same every where this year, in the South the same as in the Northern states - I want to hear how Papa is. he always tells me he is well. but I am afraid he is working himself almost to death. its all uphill for him & no rest - & I expect [?] Mama being so ill worries him a good deal. you must try and make him as Cheerful as you can I cannot tell how very glad I shall be when this English Engagement

comes to an end - & you can breath some fresh & pure Air -free from fogs. give my love to all Aunt Asia's family, I am going to write to her in a few days. love to Papa & Mama - & lots for your own dear self - I expect a letter from you & tell me all the news. God Bless & Protect you ever is my fervent prayer from yr loving Grandma M A Booth



Percent Completed




Original Format

paper and ink
4 p
17 x 11 cm

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