Watago Feby 26/63
To the Hon. Richard Yate Govenor of Illinois
We the undersigned were appointed at an unconditional union meeting of Feby 23 inst to address you on the Subject of receiving Arms and Munitions of War. For self protection against the Knights of the Golden Circle or other Northern traitors. There are good reasons for believing that such organizations exist in our midst & the citizens resolved to organize into Military Companies to be prepared to assist the Government should such be required. And we most respectfully request your opinion & favorable answer
Respectfully yours
Mac McCollum
H P Ward
N S Taylor
ans March 7-63
Mack McCullum & others Watago Febry 26 1863
Were appointed by an unconditional union meeting held at their place) a committee to acertain from the Gov. if it is possible to procure arms for the protection of their citizens from the Knights of the Golden Circle
F Revol