Buffalo N.Y.
April 18th 1861
To His Excellency Gov. Yates, Springfield, Ills.
I beg leave to state to your excellency that it will afford me great pleasure to be of service to the volunteers of my native State in any useful capacity, during the war against the rebels, provided you can obtain the assent of the President thereto.
I am now on Recruiting service for the regular Army. My own Regiment being in California there is no certainty of my services being required with it unless it be recalled to participate in the glorious struggle for the preservation of the union and the enforcement of its laws. It would be in my opinion a high honor to accompany the Illinois volunteers in any capacity. Then sir, with the assent of the General Government, I shall be ever ready to obey your call.
Very respectfully
W. P. Carlin, 1st Lt 6th N Y V
Liet W. P. Carlin
Offer of service
Not to be ansd