Jacksonville Ills
April 23, 1861
Hon R. Yates - Governor of the State of Illinois
Dear Sir: If I can properly appreciate your position, the shorter the letters you receive the better - I will not bore you -
Should the Legislature pass the "Militia Bill," it will, of course, repeal out of office the whole existing Staff. If this should be your view, I would much like to receive the appointment, upon the new Staff of Your Exly of Inspector General, the duties of which, I think, I could (& would,) faithfully fulfill. I would, however, accept any other post of equivalent rank, which it might be your pleasure to assign me -
I want to be in the service, but do not wish to stand in anybody's way - This suggestion is based upon a conversation which you will probably remember
Very Respectfully &c
J L McConnell
Capt. J. L. McConnell
asking appointment